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Fun with Makey Makey

Young students Making Meaning using Makey Makeys Playing the " playdough piano " Good speakers are key for using makey makeys in a loud class! Rocking out to Billie Jean:  Getting the beat just right is highly entertaining and motivating. Students figure out how things work by playing with them & developing theories .  "It doesn't work..." "Because we don't have the bracelet!" (the 'grounding' wire) Students jump on an aluminum foil 'Dance Floor' and Makey Makey to play Super Mario Bros and build perseverance .   "I did it without falling!" Students then play with their older buddies and learn more about electricity and conductivity:  by holding the alligator clips, we are conductive and can become the piano, too! A HUMAN PIANO?! Exploring and learning about electricity, energy, sound, conductivity and circuits is fun with Makey Makeys!  ...

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